Our Services — Active Spine & Sport Therapy | Fort Worth | Sports Medicine, Chiropractic

Sports Medicine | Spinal Care | Chiropractic | Muscular Therapy | GET STARTED! 817-332-5353

Our Services

Active Spine & Sport uses hands-on soft tissue strategies for fast relief keeping you active and out of our office in as few visits as possible.

Active Spine & Sport uses hands-on soft tissue strategies for fast relief keeping you active and out of our office in as few visits as possible.

Prepare To Be Surprised…

When a patient presents for shoulder pain when they swim, the easiest thing for a doctor or therapist to do is to tell the patient to stop swimming. At Active Spine & Sport Therapy the goal is to resolve the condition rapidly while allowing you to continue swimming throughout care, if at all possible, and to provide a recovery that is complete and durable enough to allow you to keep swimming (or whatever you love to do) for years to come.

Their treatment programs are results oriented. Dr. Muhall always questions “why” something occurs beyond treating the immediate symptoms. I have severe sciatic nerve issues which aggravate muscle adhesions in both legs. He combines various techniques in his treatment and educates me to help myself. I leave with the results of decreased pain and increased mobility and feel empowered to continue the healing at home. The entire team is personable and radiates a healing positive environment.
— E G

The doctors at Active Spine & Sport Therapy are all Doctors of Chiropractic, yet unlike most chiropractic offices the vast majority of patients at Active Spine & Sport Therapy are not treated using joint manipulation or spinal adjustments. Only about 10-15% of patients require joint manipulation. When it is employed in a patient’s care, it is utilized to restore function, range of motion and reduce pain – none of the care is based on alignment or postural restoration.

Joint manipulation is just one of the many tools in our toolbox at Active Spine & Sport Therapy. The doctors use whichever therapy will work the fastest to resolve your condition. We use Active Release Techniques (ART), which is the gold standard in soft tissue/myofascial treatment, and the doctors are additionally educated in McKenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), Functional Resistance and Flexibility Training & Kinesio Taping. Our evaluation and treatment protocols are constantly changing and adapting to include the most current and effective therapies to make sure you are receiving the best care possible.

Most other clinics follow a standard treatment protocol for musculoskeletal conditions that involves from 1-3 visits of care per week for 6-8 weeks. They then re-evaluate the patient and assess progress. With Active Spine & Sport Therapy's diagnostic protocols and unique treatment style, you are re-evaluated every visit with the expectation of progress from one visit to the next. Our overall goal is to fully resolve and release you within 3-6 visits. The fewer visits needed for full resolution and release, the better. If you are not progressing as expected within 3-4 visits, we will refer you to an appropriate provider to make sure you get the results you deserve.