Hip Pain & Injury — Active Spine & Sport Therapy | Fort Worth | Sports Medicine, Chiropractic

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Hip Pain & Injury

Active Spine & Sport Therapy carefully assesses and treats hip pain and injury with the use of hands-on soft tissue manipulation.

Active Spine & Sport Therapy carefully assesses and treats hip pain and injury with the use of hands-on soft tissue manipulation.

“Results! With one session of ART, Dr. Mulhall was able to rid me of hip pain that had baffled other doctors for years.”
— T C

About hip pain: Hip pain can stop you from doing the activities that you enjoy; walking, running, golf, tennis or simply sitting or climbing stairs. Hip pain is a common problem, and it can be confusing because there are many causes. One in seven Americans reports significant hip pain in any six week period. Hip pain accounts for 6 million doctor visits a year. The hip joint works functionally with the knee joint. They are among the largest joints in your body and are subjected to tremendous forces (strain) during daily activities.

Hip pain refers to pain that occurs in and around your hip. Hip pain can be caused by problems with your hip joint. This type of hip pain tends to be felt on the inside of your hip or in your groin. Hip pain can also be caused by problems with the muscle, ligaments, tendons and other structures that support your hip joint. Hip pain associated with these problems tends to occur on the outside of the hip or the upper thigh. Hip pain can sometimes be caused by diseases and conditions in other areas of your body. This type of pain is called referred pain. Most hip pain can be treated successfully with proper diagnosis and therapy.

Hip protocols:

It is important to do a detailed examination to assess the cause of your symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the underlying problem. We look at strength, range of motion, and function with the knee and lower limb to decide on the best course of treatment.

Our rehab program will be tailored to your specific problem and will include the following:

  • Rapid pain relief

  • Restoration of proper function to normalize weight bearing through the joints

  • Patient education with proactive patient involvement

  • Development of home treatment program

  • Joint and soft tissue mobilization to restore motion

  • Strength training

  • Mobility exercises (range of motion)