Neck Pain & Injury — Active Spine & Sport Therapy | Fort Worth | Sports Medicine, Chiropractic

Sports Medicine | Spinal Care | Chiropractic | Muscular Therapy | GET STARTED! 817-332-5353

Neck Pain & Injury

Many conditions can cause neck pain. In addition to pain there may be significant loss of motion and associated functional limitations. Our neck pain protocols will be tailored to your specific problem and will include the following:

  • Rapid pain relief

  • Patient education

  • Development of home treatment program

  • Manual therapy to normalize range of motion

  • Soft tissue mobilization to normalize tone

  • Exercise to normalize movement and strength

Active Spine & Sport Therapy carefully assesses and treats neck pain and injury with modalities focusing on the soft tissues.

Active Spine & Sport Therapy carefully assesses and treats neck pain and injury with modalities focusing on the soft tissues.

“After being told for many years that my neck pain and left hamstring injury would be life long, Dr. Mulhall completely eliminated the neck pain in one treatment and I can run again for the first time in years with no pain in my hamstring!”
— NL